2024 Festival Dates: August 7-16

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Repertoire for 2024 will include the following works by Joseph Haydn: Paukenmesse (Mass in Time of War), Der Sturm, Cello Concerto in C Major, Symphony No. 101 (The Clock).  View the daily schedule. 

    • Esterhazy Palace, Eisenstadt, Austria
    • The Haydn Hall of the Esterhazy Palace.
    • The Classical Music Festival performs in Vienna's St. Stephen's Cathedral as part of the Sunday mass.
    • The Bergkirche where Haydn is buried and where the festival will perform within the mass on August 15th, celebrating the Ascension of Mary.
    • Esterhazy Palace, Empiresaal
    • View rarely seen original Haydn manuscripts from the Esterhazy archives.
    • The Festival - Eisenstadt, the capital of the federal province of Burgenland since 1925, is situated on the southern slopes of the Leitha Mountains. Surrounded by a great number of vineyards, Eisenstadt is the smallest federal capital of Austria, with only 13,250 inhabitants.
    • Leopoldine Temple in Schloss Park

    Dr. Richard Zielinski, Artistic & Music Director                                      
    Cathy Griffin, Administrative Director                                          
    Dr. Jane Magrath, Piano Seminar Director                                                                                              

    Don V Moses, Founder
    Anne Swedish-Moses, Administrative Advisor & Board of Director

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    Contact Us:

    Email: cathy@cmfadmin.com
    Phone: (405) 217-2358
    Address: Classical Music Festival, 4721 Lake Front Drive, Norman, OK 73072