Optional Trips

Enjoy one or more of the optional tours offered during the festival.

Opera in the Quarry for Verdi's Aida (sung in German with German supertitles) - Friday, August 9

Experience a memorable evening of opera in St. Margarethen's Roman quarry, one of Europe's loveliest open-air stages, located just a short distance from Eisenstadt. The natural setting with its stunning rock formations serves as a spectacular backdrop for these opulent productions. Upon arrival, you will have a special backstage tour. After the tour and during the intermission, visit any of the onsite cafes to enjoy a glass of regional wine or other beverage, appetizing snacks, delicious desserts or warm meals. Bus departs hotels about 5:45 pm for the 7:00 pm backstage tour and 8:00 pm performance. You should be back in Eisenstadt by 12:00 am. Cost: $159 (includes transportation, ticket, and backstage tour). 

NOTE: In the event of adverse weather, the St. Margarethen management reserves the right to delay the start of a performance or interrupt a performance and then continue it. If a performance is canceled or interrupted before 45 minutes have elapsed, the ticket price will be refunded.

Monday, August 12, Option 1: Day in Vienna (Schonbrunn Palace, below)

Enjoy a spectacularday of sightseeing in Vienna beginning with a 60-minute Grand Tour of the Schonbrunn Palace and the palace gardens. The bus will then return to downtown Vienna for a one-hour guided sightseeing tour by bus which will give you an overview of many of the city’s most famous landmarks including the Ringstraße, Schloss Belvedere, Hofburg, and more followed by a one-hour walking tour through Vienna so you can visit many of the important historical sites not easily accessible by bus — Spanish Riding School, Burgtheater, Parliament, and City Hall among others. We will then enjoy a 3 course lunch at a local restaurant before heading to the Musikverein, home to the Vienna Philharmonic, for your guided tour. This is where the famous New Year’s Eve concert takes places that is broadcast worldwide. Following the tour, you will have some time to explore Vienna on your own before we reboard the bus to return to Eisenstadt.  Cost: $175

Monday, August 12, Option 2: Heiligenkreuz Monastery in the Vienna Woods; and Baden

Spend the day in Lower Austria to visit Stift Heiligenkreuz in the picturesque Vienna Woods and tour the beautiful medieval monastery. You will arrive in time to hear the famous monks sing their Chorgebet, mid-day chant, tour the monastery and then have lunch at Klostergastholf Heiligenkreuz before heading to Baden for a 1.5 hour walking tour through the city. Beethoven stayed in Baden a number of times during the summers working on many of his compositions, including the Missa Solemnis, and completed his Ninth Symphony here. Some of his residences can still be seen today. You will have some time to explore Baden on your own before boarding the bus to return to Eisenstadt. Cost: $135

Contact Us:

Email: cathy@cmfadmin.com
Phone: (405) 217-2358
Address: Classical Music Festival, 4721 Lake Front Drive, Norman, OK 73072